Your machines are extensions of everything you do, and maybe you're not ready to part with Old Reliable just yet. It's yours, it's dependable, and perhaps it's paid off and you'd like to keep it that way.
Instead of buying a new one, give our Volvo CE Certified Rebuild Facilities a call. Our experienced service technicians in Brownstown and Drums can rebuild your trusted Volvo equipment to increase productivity and save you the cost of a new machine.
Some of the benefits include:
3-year/5,000-hour warranty* on engine, drop box, transmission, & drive axle parts
6-month/1,500-hour warranty* on other Volvo Genuine Parts
1 year/2,500-hour warranty* on other Volvo remanufactured components
Rebuild the machine power train using Volvo remanufactured components
Like-new look: clean, paint, decal (we like to call it Liptak Clean!)
200-point machine inspection from certified Volvo technicians
Customizable level to meet your demands & budget
Exhaust emissions reduction retrofit available
*All warranties are subject to Volvo CE terms and conditions.